Monday, July 6, 2020

Defining “Soldier” An Analysis of the Use of Military Terminology in 18th Century Literature - Literature Essay Samples

Gender and economics were no less intertwined during the eighteenth century than they are today. In the world of emerging paper currency and capitalism, many issues were coming to light for the first time, and so it comes as little surprise that the literature of the day so often focused on economic problems. But not all the issues addressed in eighteenth century literature were new ones. Some, like the economics of the human body, have been present as far back as we can trace in history. Often, this issue is addressed in literature in the form of female prostitution, and eighteenth century literature is no different. However, present in many texts is another form of selling one’s body—that of the soldier, and military service as an economic transaction. For the purposes of this essay, sale of the body will be defined as a circumstance in which the entire transaction revolves around the physical form, in which both buyer and seller are willful participants, and in which the body itself is made vulnerable and placed at the mercy of the buyer. I will be analyzing the depiction of soldiers in Aphra Behn’s The Rover and George Farquhar’s The Recruiting Officer. I argue that the sale of the body for military purposes was not viewed entirely favorably in eighteenth century works. While perhaps not so vilified as prostitutes in their time, the soldiers depicted in the aforementioned plays act as caricatures or satirical figures rather than believable characters. This is highlighted through word choice—the use of the word â€Å"soldier† as opposed to its supposed synonyms draws a clear distinction between the honorable military man and those who act for money alone. While not entirely equivalent to prostitution, this distinction implies something of a correlation between the noble warrior and the genuine lover versus the â€Å"soldier† as defined in this essay and the prostitute. While the former set of figures acts on p rinciple and from a moral grounding, the latter figures abandon their own principles in favor of profit. This abandonment, regardless of whether it is the product of desperate circumstance, is likely the root of the distaste toward both soldiers and prostitutes found in 18th century literature. The use of the word â€Å"soldier† as opposed to related words like â€Å"warrior† or â€Å"fighter† is integral to this discussion. According to Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary, which provides us with the most contemporary definitions of the chosen vernacular in the text, â€Å"soldier† stems from the French soldat and the low Latin solidus. â€Å"Soldier† is defined as â€Å"a fighting man, a warrior. Originally one who served for pay.† Interestingly, the etymology of the word gives far more insight into its connection with economics than its definition does. The low Latin solidus referred not to the soldier himself, but rather specifically to his pay (Johnson 1877). The very concept of the soldier is inherently intertwined with ideas of money; this is in stark contrast with the traditional ideals of the warrior as being loyal, honorable, or courageous. Also of note is that Johnson includes the caveat that the term â€Å"soldier† is generally used for the common man, distinct from his commanders. This implies an interconnectivity between status and sacrificing one’s morals for money. While the higher ranking military members might have the privilege of upholding whatever principles they choose, those of lower standing are forced to follow the commands of their superiors in order to make ends meet. The characters in Aphra Behn’s The Rover are referred to as soldiers only a handful of times. The first of these is of particular note, occurring early in the play, when Florinda says: I’ll not deny I value Belvile: when I was expos’d to such Dangers as the licens’d lust of common Soldiers threatned, when Rage and Conquest flew thro the City—then Belvile, this Criminal for my sake, threw himself into all Dangers to save my Honour, and will you not allow him my Esteem? (Behn 6) In this line, we see soldiers used in fairly derogatory terms. Paired with words like â€Å"common† and â€Å"lust,† it creates a less-than-favorable image of the soldier as a vile and unrefined figure in Florinda’s mind. The word is juxtaposed with her description of Belvile as her savior, who she defines as a criminal for her own sake as opposed to using any more traditional heroic imagery. Through this, Behn paints the soldiers as more lowly than crimin al. Although their actions would have been considered acceptable in their circumstance, and Belvile’s considered the act of a traitor in hindering them, it is the soldiers who are truly at fault. We see that the morality of the soldiers is reined in by the superior; it is understood that they are not only obliged to his guidance in having sold themselves, but in need of it. Independent of Belvile, they demonstrate little in the way of moral values. The only other instance of the word â€Å"soldier† appearing in dialogue occurs when Angellica first addresses Willmore: â€Å"You Sir in Buff, you that appear a Soldier, that first began this Insolence† (Behn 25). This occurs in the midst of a confrontation between the Spaniards and the cavaliers, and so it is obvious there is no real honor in Angellica’s addressing him as such; it is a simple descriptor based upon his clothing. It is possible this might also be interpreted as insult. In addressing an Officer instead as a soldier, she implies he is lower in status and perhaps in moral grounding. Despite his rank, Willmore does not demonstrate honor, and thereby is deemed undeserving of any rank higher than soldier according to 18th century standards. It is important to note that although both Belvile and Willmore are both banished English soldiers, Belvile is referred to far more often in the text as â€Å"cavalier.† Willmore is only classified as such when the group is referenced collectively as â€Å"cavaliers†Ã¢â‚¬â€he is never independently defined as one. It is possible this is connected to his higher rank—Belville being a Captain whereas Willmore is an Officer—but it is evidenced in the play’s subtitle that both are indeed â€Å"cavaliers,† and therefore could both be referred to as such. According to Johnson’s dictionary, there were a handful of connotations behind the word, but the most relevant seems to be the third: â€Å"The appellation of the party of King Charles the Fifth† (343). This is the definition most closely related to The Rover’s alternate title, The Banished Cavaliers. It would have been obvious to contemporary audiences that this meant they we re supporters of king Charles during the English civil war, which explains their relocation from England. This suggests some of the loyalty and honor expected of those who ranked above soldier; Belvile demonstrates this not only in title, but also in action, whereas Willmore does not. Of the other definitions used in the dictionary, â€Å"a horseman; a knight† offers some minor insight into the connotations of sale or economic exchange understood to be related to the term â€Å"cavalier†. To be a horseman or a knight implies a higher standing due to the cost of horses, which he would have been expected to provide himself (Oakeshott 14). Unlike â€Å"soldier†, the connotations behind the word â€Å"cavalier† are largely positive, implying a higher standing in society and greater adherence to own’s own morals. This brings us to the respective roles played by Belvile and Willmore, and how they fit into certain stereotypes. Belvile, and his relationship with Florinda by extension, fit into a very flighty and idealized perspective. Belvile is gallant, romantic, and honorable—everything Behn seems to think soldiers are not, which is why he is never referred to as a soldier throughout the play. Willmore represents a less romanticized reality. Willmore is not at all romanticized, acting far more in line with reality than his counterpart. His status within society, and the ultimate ending he receives, are not dependent on his conduct throughout the play. He is unreliable, crass, and promiscuous. He behaves in line with how the soldiers are described in Florinda’s line early in the play: lustful and common. It makes sense, then, that Willmore is the only of the two that should be defined as a â€Å"soldier† within the characters’ discussions. Belvile being most commonly referred to as â€Å"cavalier† is dependent upon his own good behavior. This brings one to question how economics might be acting within these understandings. If the soldier, as understood by Johnson’s definition, is one who is fighting for money, then it is safe to assume that there would be little standard as to his own conduct. The soldier is not required to be brave, honorable, or trustworthy. He is merely required to fight, and expects to be paid for it. This is why Willmore is able to get away with his behavior; it is for the same reason that Belvile does not fall into this category, as his actions as a military figure are not dependent upon money alone. Returning once more to the dictionary, examples given for use of the word â€Å"soldier† do not point toward any honor associated with the term. One of interest is drawn from Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, and goes as follows: â€Å"This attempt I’m soldier to, and will abide by it with a prince’s courage† (Johnson 1877). Here, we see that the idea of courage is associated not with the term â€Å"soldier,† but rather with â€Å"prince.† It highlights the origins of the term as not associated with acts of bravery or prowess while simultaneously drawing a comparison between stations that places the higher rank as more virtuous than the lower. Could this be because of the economic connotations and the association between soldiership and sale of the body? It is difficult to say with any degree of certainty, but it certainly seems to imply that the idea of a soldier was not one of any great courage or virtue during the 18th century. This leads us to question the significance of the role reversal that takes place between Angellica and Willmore. In their exchange, Angellica ultimately gives Willmore money as opposed to the other way around, despite the fact that Angellica is the prostitute (Behn 34). This seems to hint at the correlation between soldiering and prostitution. It also furthers the argument that the true sale of the body occurs when one sacrifices one’s morals. Willmore, in seducing Angellica through his own deception, has assumed the role of the prostitute. It is therefore only fitting that he should be the one receiving pay. Angellica, on the other hand, believes herself to be in love. She acts not for money but rather for her own beliefs, and it would therefore be inappropriate for her to receive pay for these actions. This undoubtedly is meant as a commentary on the relationship between their two professions. As a â€Å"soldier,† Willmore’s actions are driven by concern only f or himself and never for any particular virtue. In this way, the soldier is very much a parallel for the stereotype of the prostitute, which Angellica herself is attempting in this scene to shrug off. It is not to The Rover alone that this analysis might be applied. George Farquhar’s The Recruiting Officer is a relatively contemporary text dealing in related issues. Within the opening lines of the text, we see the word soldier being used once more in a derogatory sense, and by a military character, Kite: â€Å"For you must know, gentlemen, that I am a man of honour: besides, I don’t beat up for common soldiers; no, I list only grenadiers; grenadiers, gentlemen† (Farquhar 164). Once more, we see the rank of soldier being placed beneath all others. It is depicted as something less favorable than other titles, and it comes as little wonder that the figure of the rake—here, present in Captain Plume as it is also present in Willmore in The Rover—is once more referred to as soldier repeatedly throughout the text, despite the actual rank he holds. This further emphasizes the correlation between sexual promiscuity and soldiering, which in turn further al igns the soldier with the prostitute. It is worth noting, however, that The Recruiting Officer does not use â€Å"soldier† in so consistent a negative sense as The Rover does. There is an occurrence of the word being used as a positive descriptor, but it is quickly shot down. This happens in an exchange between Captain Brazen and Melinda. The latter refers to soldiers as â€Å"the best bred men,† to which Brazen replies: â€Å"Some of us, madam; but there are brutes among us too, very sad brutes; for my own part, I have always had the good luck to prove agreeable† (Farquhar 196). Brazen goes on to brag about his own character and prospects in a very foppish manner, and therefore could be argued to discredit his own character just as much as he attempts to discredit others. It is possible this is presented as a way of addressing any counterargument in defense of soldiers—we see someone speak highly of soldiers within the text, and we even see it acknowledged that there are both good and bad men that might be defined as such, but ultimately the opinions of neither character are entirely reliable and thus the reader must once again conclude that the word â€Å"soldier† is filled with negative connotation. While this perception of soldiers as being of poor character seems to be pervasive in eighteenth century texts, it is not without explanation. Mary Wollstonecraft attempted to draw a comparison between the position of soldiers and women in society in her essay A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, where she states: â€Å"As proof that education gives this appearance of weakness to females, we may instance the example of military men, who are, like them, sent into the world before their minds have been stored with knowledge and fortified by principles† (Norton 500). She goes on to explain that both soldiers and women are educated only superficially, retaining bits and pieces of knowledge that they overhear in conversation and understand through interaction, but rarely understanding anything at a deeper level than can be understood through casual observation. The most important part of this argument in defining the attitude toward soldiers is the concept Wollstonecraft introduce s of manners before morals—that is, that soldiers learn how to present themselves without understanding any substance or standard behind it. This serves as explanation for the lecherous and rakish depiction of soldiers in eighteenth century literature. While characters like Willmore and Captain Plume know enough to present themselves well in certain social situations, they are in reality lacking in moral understanding and therefore tend to behave in a lowly fashion. It comes as little surprise, then, that a society that placed so much value on virtue and morality would frown upon soldiers. At best they are naà ¯ve, and at worst they are ignorant. The use of the term â€Å"soldier† throughout texts like The Rover and The Recruiting Officer is inconsistent with our use of the term in the modern world. The 18th century â€Å"soldier† was understood, at least in literature, to be driven by money and personal profit over anything resembling virtue or honor, much in the same way as a prostitute might have been. The characters in these plays are a stereotype, juxtaposing the ignorance in characters like Willmore against the more gallant and heroic archetype of Belvile, in order to offer a commentary on the â€Å"soldier† versus the honorable military man of good standing. Ultimately, neither can be interpreted as an entirely accurate depiction of the military figure. Both play into a preconceived notion of how â€Å"soldier† should be defined. While this might offer some insight into the prejudices of the 18th century, it must be observed with some skepticism. Theatre is known for its caricatures and satirical nature; to determine whether the biases present in 18th century plays were pervasive in contemporary society would require additional research. Nevertheless, it is clear that the â€Å"soldier† did act as one of these archetypical figures within the theatre, however representative of the attitudes of society this might have been. Works Cited Barker, Hannah and Elaine Chalus. â€Å"Men About Town: Representations of Foppery and Masculinity in Early Eighteenth-Century Urban Society.† Gender in Eighteenth-Century England: Roles, Representations and Responsibilities, Longman, 1997. Print. Behn, Aphra. â€Å"The Rover.† The Rover and Other Plays, Oxford University Press, 2008, pp. 1-88. Print. Farquhar, George. â€Å"The Recruiting Officer.† The Recruiting Officer and Other Plays, Oxford University Press, 1995, pp. 159-242. Print. Johnson, Samuel. A Dictionary of the English Language: A Digital Edition of the 1755 Classic by Samuel Johnson. Edited by Brandi Besalke. 6 December, 2012. Web. 1 November 2017. Oakeshott, Ewart. A Knight and His Horse. Dufour Editions, 1998, pp. 11-14. Print. Tallett, Frank. â€Å"Soldiers in Western Europe, c. 1500-1790.† Fighting for a Living: A Comparative Study of Military Labour 1500-2000, edited by Erik-Jan Zà ¼rcher, Amsterdam University Press, 2013, pp. 135–168. Web. 15 November 2017. Wollstonecraft, Mary. â€Å"A Vindication of the Rights of Women.† Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism, W.W. Norton and Company Inc., 2010, pp. 496-504. Print.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Free Essay Example

I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Goetsman, Hanks, Wilson, Zwick, 2002). As Allport (1985) explained, social psychology scientifically studies how peoples feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are affected by other people. For example, family, friends, teachers, and strangers may influence a person. The person influencing the behavior may be physically present, but it is not necessary. In short, social situations play a big role in shaping people and how they develop. Social influence provides a way for people to influence the behavior of other people; social influence occurs because of the manner in which the changed person perceives his relationship with the person exerting the influence. People behave in a manner that they hope will result in the approval of friends and family (Aronson, Wilson, Akert Sommers, 2016). My Big Fat Greek Wedding demonstrated the power of social influence. Unlike all of her cousins who got married to Greeks and started their own families, Toula is an unmarried 30-year-old; she is a nice Greek girl, but she is considered a failure in her culture. Everybody is concerned about Toula and her future. Suddenly, one day it happens; Toulas luck changes, and she meets a nice guy, but he is not Greek. Toula realizes the power of her familys social influence, and she realizes that she needs to escape from her family. As she starts her journey, she finally leaves her familys restaurant and embarks on a journey by deciding that she will go to college. Toula certainly breaks tradition by doing this; she dares to venture where none of the other Portokalos women have gone. In her family, women do not go to college. Because of her fear, Toula did not want to let her father know about her educational goals and dreams. Toula saw her college degree as the first step in her personal journey. With a degree, she would be able to find a good job; this would u ltimately lead to her independence. Upon learning that she was enrolled in college, Toulas dad was heartbroken. His vision for Toula was different; he wanted her to be the perfect wife for her future husband. This idea of social influence also illustrates the gender inequality that Greek women experience. Greek women do not enjoy the opportunity to climb the social ladder; instead, they are expected to be housewives. In the Portokalos house, it was expected that Toula would have permission from her father for whatever she did. Mr. Portokalos personified the idea that control was left to the man of the house. In exerting his influence, he attempted to impose norms on Toula. Eventually, Toula succeeds in convincing her aunt to give her a job. While working for her aunt, Toula meets Ian Miller; while she finds Ian very attractive, he is not Greek. As they begin to date, it quickly becomes apparent that they have a major culture clash. Toula worries about Ians ability to handle her large, extended family. Ian is the all-American boy from next door, and he is not at all familiar with the Greek culture and the social influences that the entire family has over Toula. While Toula knows what is in store for Ian, he has no idea about the doubt and outrage that he will have to endure before he can ever be accepted by her family. In fact, Toula worries about her familys reaction and knows that their social influence is so strong that she is not able to decide if her dad will be more upset that Ian does not eat meat or that he is not Greek. Since she was a young girl, Toula felt the social influences imposed by her extended family. The members of the Portokalos have always been close, and everybody is always involved in everyone elses life. From the time she was a young girl at school, Toula demonstrates that she is not happy about all of the Greek traditions and influences. At school, we see Toulas discomfort with her Greek culture; we start to recognize that she does not feel a sense of belonging with the other kids at school. Meanwhile, Toula is torn because of her familys social influence; they majorly embrace their Greek roots and their Greek culture. Her Greek family members are not influenced by the American way of life; they totally reject it in favor of their Greek culture. However, Toula is torn; we watch her struggle because she does not want to be different the other kids with whom she has grown up. Instead, Toula prefers to be a part of the dominant American culture. As a young girl, Toula understood social influences and their impact on gender roles in the Greek culture. As a woman, she would be expected to say home; it would be her duty to cook and clean while taking care of the children. Furthermore, she would be expected to marry a Greek man. As her husband, he would be in charge of his household; he would have the control within the family. He would be expected to be the breadwinner; he would be expected to protect his family. Because she had grown up in America, Toula had other ideas. She had experienced social influences from people other than her Greek family; she had a lot of social influence from the American children with whom she went to school. As a result of the combined social influences she had experienced, Toula knew she wanted something different for her future. As Toula begins to date Ian, we see the differences in how social influences have impacted the two of them and their lives. With Toula, we witness the closeness and bonds in her extended family; the family becomes a community of its own. Toula never forgets about her fathers expectations; they are constantly on her mind. Through the power of social influence, Toula recognizes the traditional Greek values. She knows that her dad expects her to be like her cousins; she needs to marry a nice Greek boy and start having children. Through the power of social influence, the younger family members have learned what it means to be Greek, and they have learned the familys expectations. For the older generations, the social influence was so strong that they just did it without ever thinking about it. Toula faces an internal struggles; she knows that it will be viewed as a taboo in her large Greek family if she breaks theirs traditions; she feels the social influences at work in her life, and sh e wants to make her own choices, but she cannot stop thinking about her familys reaction. As Toula and Ian continue to date, we see many other examples of social influence. For example, Toula had not told her parents about Ian; she had been afraid to tell them. Her parents only learned about her boyfriend when one of their friends told them that they had seen Toula kissing a man in a public place. Toulas fears came true; her dad was not happy when he learned about Ian because he was not Greek. In fact, Toulas parents tell her that she has to end the relationship. While Toula maintains her love for Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Portokalos devise a plan; they continue to introduce Toula to eligible Greek men, but the plan does not work. Again, the power of social influence is at work when her parents are trying to set her up on dates with the idea that one of them will ultimately be Toulas husband. Eventually, Ian proposes to Toula, and they get engaged. Toulas dad was very unhappy when Ian failed to ask for permission to date Toula so he was obviously even more upset with the impending wedding. Ian recognizes the power of social influences and how important certain customs are to Toulas family; therefore, he makes a concerted effort to adopt some of the Greek customs. At one point, Toula proposed that they elope; however, Ian refused to entertain the idea. In trying to honor the Greek customs, Ian recognized that it was important to Toulas family for her to be married in their religion. Toula knew that she was not allowed to marry Ian in the Greek Orthodox Church; in order for them to be married there, Ian would have to convert to Greek Orthodox. Later, viewers witness Ian being baptized; through the ceremony, he was spiritually cleansed. Thus, he was able to be recognized as a part of the Greek culture. When Ian converted and became a part of the Greek culture, Mr. and Mrs. P ortokalos appreciate his efforts, and they finally welcomed him into their family. As Ian makes this transformation, viewers see how important the social influences of Toulas family were for Ian; he clearly grasped the importance of converting and was willing to do that to have Toula and her love. Ian had learned that Toulas family was loud and outspoken. While Toula worried what Ian might think about her family, she clearly loved them, and Ian loved her. With the conversion ceremony behind them, they moved forward with their wedding plans. As they prepared for the big day, Toula worried about all of her female family members. Knowing how her family members like to get into each others business, she knew that the other women would immerse themselves into her wedding plans regardless of what she and Ian thought about it. Toula was not totally surprised when she learned that Nikki, her cousin, took it upon herself to choose the dresses of the bridesmaids without consulting Toula; again, this is another demonstration of social influences at work in her Greek culture. Nick, Toulas brother, gives Ian a warning; if Ian ever does anything to hurt Toula, Nick will kill him. Because they know that Ian is trying to fit into the family and adopt Greek customs, her cousins play games and get Ian to say tasteless things in Greek. Ian is not Greek, but he has come to the realization of the importance of the role of the extended family; therefore, he willingly participates and repeats whatever the cousins tell him without giving it an y thought. He has come recognized the importance of social influences within the large family, and he makes his best effort to become one of them. Before the big day, Toula decides that it would be a good idea for her parents to meet the Millers, Ians parents. Knowing that Mr. and Mrs. Miller are very quiet and reserved, Toula invites them to dinner. Recognizing the power of social influences and knowing the differences between the two families, Toula is adamant that the dinner will only include Ian, his parents, her parents and her. The social influences that impact the Millers are totally different; thus, she knows that six people at the dinner table will be more than enough for Mr. and Mrs. Miller; she worries that her extended family will be too much for them to handle. She also wants a small and simple dinner. Toula thinks the plans are all in place, and she believes that they have agreed to the dinner as she planned it. Imagine Toulas surprise when she and Ian show up at her parents house, and they are greeted by her extended family; Toula worries about the Millers and how they will react. With no understanding of Greek c ulture, Mr. and Mrs. Miller are quite surprised with the events of the evening. When the Mr. and Mrs. Miller spend the evening with the Portokalos family, we see more social influences at work in the movie. Clearly, the Portokalos family is a collective unit; meanwhile, the Miller family would be viewed as individualistic. In the Portokalos family, individuals do not just make decisions or take actions on their own; they cherish their roles as members of the family. As the Portokalos family demonstrated, the familys needs are more important than the individuals needs. When there is a decision to be made, the entire family participates; everybody has a chance to offer their opinions, even when nobody asks for them. They were a very close family, and they all genuinely care about one another; their actions are based in care and love. As illustrated in the movie, Toula and Ian had hoped to make their wedding plans as a couple; however, that did not come to fruition. Instead, we saw that the entire Portokalos family participated in the wedding plans. They were event ually forced to sit back and allow the participation while hoping for the best. On the other hand, the Millers are portrayed in a different light. As the movie showed, the Miller family only included Ian and his parents; there was not an extended family participating and making decisions for one another. When Toula first met her future in-laws, you could see her reaction; she is clearly surprised by the stark contrast between her family and Ians family. When you meet the Greek family, you are meeting a very large group; you would not ever expect to meet just two people when the word family is used. Social influences are in play again toward the movies end. Specifically, Ian serves as a great example to show the power of social influences. During the time that he has dated Toula, he has grown more familiar and has become more acclimated to the Greek way of life. For instance, we see him trying to speak Greek words. We see him learning to dance in the same fashion that they do. We see him trying to use Greek expressions. He has started engaging in Greek traditions. We also saw how he changed religions for Toula because it was so important to her family. He also made sure that they had a big wedding out of respect to her family even when she wanted to elope. Even as staunch as they were, we see how social influences have impacted Ians parents; they even participated in some of the Greek activities as a result of social influences. Social influences were constantly at work. Toula and Ian came from two different worlds. This movie was a great example to illustrate differences in expectations and perspectives. Clearly, Toula and Ian were constantly impacted by the social influences†family, friends, fellow students†surrounding them. As Toula demonstrated repeatedly, those social influences can play a great role without even being physically present. With his ever-present authoritarian personality, Mr. Portokalos often influenced Toula without being with her. However, there are times when people will act on their own accord and ignore social influences; we saw Toula do this when she started dating Ian. Despite the social influences of generations, we saw how much love that Mr. and Mrs. Portokalos had for Toula, and they wanted to see her happy. Eventually, we saw other social influences at work as Toulas big Greek family eventually accepted Ian as one of their own. Despite all of their differences and a ll of the social influences, we saw Toula and Ian together as husband and wife. During the reception, Mr. Portokalos gave a moving speech in which he welcomed Ian and the Millers into their big Greek family. As he concluded his remarks, he presented the newlyweds with the deed to their new house; ironically, it is right beside her parents house; that clearly demonstrates how strong social influence is in Greek families. As the movie illustrated, Toulas and Ians families were joined together through social influences and marriage. References: Allport, G. W. (1985). The historical background of social psychology. In G. Lindzey E. Aronson (Eds.), The handbook of social psychology (3rd ed, Vol. 1, pp. 1-46). New York: McGraw-Hill. Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Akert, R. M., Sommers, S. R. (2016). Social psychology. Boston: Pearson. Goetsman, G. (Producer), Hanks, T. (Producer), Wilson, R. (Producer), Zwick, J. (Director) (2002). My big fat Greek wedding [Motion picture]. United States: IFC Films.