Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Effect Social Media Has on Anorexia

This Is the sickening effect that social media has on the generation today, that we should all weigh 90 pounds and be as thin as the fake body on a fashion magazine. Over half of girls and just about one third of males today go through this process every single day. They take steps that are not necessary to control their weight which Is most likely under the normal percentile for their age. These steps Include; laxatives, binging and purging, starving themselves, fasting or even smoking to control their weight.Larger weight and over weight teens or even children are more keel to engage in this horrible behavior only to fit in with the girls or boys on the magazine. In fact, over 20% of these overweight girls and Just over 6% of overweight boys have confessed to using tactics like starving or binging and purging to control their weight. (MEDIC) It is not hard to get sucked into this way of thinking, all it takes are a few articles and covers on a popular magazine and then the image of who you should be, according to the magazine, is burned In the back of your head forever.This train of thought Is not Just put In your brain after a day, no It takes timely The cost alarming thought of anorexia is that it is not only found in teenagers or adults, it is starting to be found in children as little as five years of age. If a Barbie is what is thought of as a role model to a young teenage girl is that not social media affecting the way their brain Is trained to picture perfection? A Victorians Secret model effects the way a mother think about herself greatly so when they start to diet, their young daughter starts to see this as normal and is trained to think that this is what said daughter should be doing.Social media is effecting mothers, aunts, or even sisters which Is then effecting young children. (Eating Disorders) In a study done of five year old girls it was revealed that very significant portion of the very young children associated a healthy diet with food rest riction, thinness, and extreme weight loss. If this is what is being instilled in our young people today then what will the future of our world look like? (Anorexia Begins) One of the most important and influential ideas that social media affects is a teenage girls perception of how skinny is beautiful.Every magazine, television commercial, and website is constantly showing how beautiful you should be and how o make sure that the extra two pounds on your hips can disappear In Just two weeks! There Is the rare moment when any ad is showing that you are beautiful just the way you are and you do not need to weigh 100 pounds to truly radiate beauty. Social 1 OFF 120 pounds because if you weigh more than that in this society then you are truly fat. What social media is not telling you is that many teens have admitted that they use unhealthy tactics because of popular media shown in every aspect of social feeds.What it also does not tell you is that around a thousand women die each year c ause of unrealistic expectations that magazines set for us. They die trying to reach perfection without realizing that perfection is far behind them. (Teen Anorexia) Perfection is all in our heads and the image is put in our heads by people on the covers of magazines, what is not realized is that all of it is fake. All models in social media are a sample size of 0-4 but on the cover of anything they are made and when teenage girls look at the they believe that this is the normalcy and desirability that they should be faced with.With this they pressure their peers which does not stop tit other girls, but has spread to pressuring boys. All girls put pressure on guys to look a certain way like an Firebombed and Fitch model, this has driven over 10% of guys to fall into anorexia, or bulimia and in extreme cases steroids to fit the bill for most women. (Male Eating Disorders) Males are over half as likely to suffer in silence because they do not think that this illness is normal for men to have. ANDREA: Eating Disorders) Eating disorders are should not normal, in males or in females, and if there are signs and symptoms of any sort of eating disorder help should try and be established. Unfortunately though in our society they are more normal than actually looking normal! Everyone is wonderful in their own way, Psalm 139:14 states, â€Å"l praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, and I know that full well. † (Hope, and Healing) But is it known in society that everything is wonderful?Certainly not with social media telling people that a double zero is true beauty. Why is it the the Bible cannot be our source of social media, it gives countless examples that beauty is given by God, that perfection is the person he made and it would not be starved and withered down to 90 pounds because that is the way that the world thinks it should be. God makes every inch of every body perfectly in his eyes, it is not imperfect to weigh 130 pounds, or imperfect to not have the smallest thighs and the tiniest waist.What society needs to realize as a whole is that our imperfections are what makes up who they are. So the girl looks back in the mirror and again drops her eyes to the magazine now wrinkled in her hands. She traces the figure with her fingers re-reading the words on the cover over and over in her head. â€Å"Drop two pounds in two days! † â€Å"Perfection in he form of this super cute new tank top† â€Å"Be a size zero in zero days! † Then with only a moments notice, she swiftly but not violently tosses the magazine into the trash.She will not fall into the trap that the media has created so sneakily but will be herself. She is not going to criticize her body, or will it to be something it is not. And she continues on her life living it our as a normal teenager, without being negatively affected by the social media that surrounds her. And ever so quietly her mind has been made up; not hing is going to change who she is, because she likes the image that is reflected in the mirror.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Criminology Theories-Differential Association and Strain Theory Essay

Abstract   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In criminology, theories play an important role especially in understanding the settings, motivations, assets, behaviors and actions of criminals. These theories serve as their guidelines in order to detect and sometimes read the plans of their enemies. Unfortunately, these theories are not one hundred percent accurate, however, learning these aspects are still essential. Differential Association and Strain Theories are most commonly used in the field of criminology. These theories aim to explain the totality and the instinctive or social development of criminal ideation in a person. The theories mentioned are extremely necessary for authorities to understand and to be familiar with. Criminal Theories – Differential Association Theory vs. Strain Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Theories in criminology tend to be unclear and lacking in justifiable broadness. The lack of clarity can sometimes end up in apparent inconsistencies, although more attention to the structure of a scientific theory and its requirements might reveal more agreement among theorists than now recognized. In fact, rarely do available theories offer guidance that does not require heroic leaps of conjecture. Practicality is not a requirement of a valid theory since theories might be void but still of use. However, condition for a theory to be considered certifiable is none other than practicality. Criminology is the scientific study of crime; hence, theories need to have adequate basis in order to prove true and be considered useful. Another denotation of the term Criminology is the study of law making, law breaking and the response to law breaking. This definition of criminology is also a useful way to categorize the theories. Theories of law breaking are the most common and essential in the field of Criminology. The questions that usually come out is â€Å"why do people commit crime?† or â€Å"What makes countries more prone to crime than other?† These theories serve as the guide of practice and a protocol to assist the implementation of law and reading of crimes (Vito, Maahs & Holmes, 2007 p.14).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The research paper aims to describe specific theories and analyze its over-all concept as well as comparisons. The main theories highlighted in this paper are Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory. These theories are explained and scrutinized in order to obtain various points of essentials and utilize it in order to come up with a critical analysis of the said theories. The following are questions that are considered objectives of this research work. What are the theories of Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory? Discuss the concepts embedded in each theory and obtain the important data present. What are the comparisons and differentiations of the following theories? What are the important points to be noted in each theory? The research study does not deal with any under topics except for these theories. By the end of the paper, a conclusion regarding the over-all study is present. Differential Association Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Differential Theory has been brought by Edwin Sutherland, and this has been considered as one of the best constitutions in the field of criminology. The evolution of criminology and formation of this theory have started because of this man’s desire to have a new direction in the field of criminology. He has rejected the biological determinism and the extreme individualism of psychiatry, as well as economic explanations of crime. The need for money or resources is never a motivating factor for a person to commit a crime. Due to this curious out-searching, he has arrived in the theory of Differential Association Theory. Another term for this theory is the â€Å"Social Learning Theory†, wherein psycho-cognitive and analytic observations are implemented. Different association proposes that criminal associations and normative conflict vary across community types; hence, this variation is linked in the rationale for varying crime rates (Hoffman 2003).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of this theory states that delinquency is learned just as all other forms of behavior are learned. It implies that Different Association Theories are those associated in various factors such as changing community, the individual itself, the environment and family upbringing. These are the things that influence the person’s behavioral concept, and if not guided properly, criminal acts may be produced. Sutherland (1947) proposed that crime and delinquency are learned in small-group contexts through the acquisition of a preponderance of messages defining law-violating behavior as acceptable or appropriate. (Dennis & Neff, 2007) Moreover, this theory emphasizes on the genetic origins of criminal behavior, thus implying biological initiatives in crime control. In contrast to both classical and biological theories, Differential Association Theory poses no obvious threats to the humane treatment of those identified as criminals (Hoffman 2003). The conditions of this theory also suggests that the more frequent, intense, salient, and enduring a youth’s exposure to prodelinquency definitions, the more likely they will be to adopt these definitions and to use them to rationalize or justify engaging in delinquent behavior. Delinquency stems from a positive identification with law-violating behavior learned in interaction within primary groups, which is an exact opposite of strain-induced negative emotions (Dennis & Neff, 2007). Testing Theory Validity According to the journal of Van Gundy and Rebellon (2006), differential association theory can be used in tracing out the behavior of crime acts in an individual. A test has been conducted in teenagers who are into use of Marijuana. Specifically, among respondents who reported using other illicit drugs in 1980, only 2.8% simultaneously reported that they had abstained from the use of marijuana in the same year. The researchers gathered these individuals and they obtain an interview as well as drug sample from this group of people. The focus is too asses the origins of criminal behavior guided by the conditions of marijuana usage. According to the respondents who have been reported using drugs other than marijuana, the presence of moral attachments, commitments or involvements are either fragile, low or absent. It has been noted that these individuals have higher association with substance-using peers than do those who report abstaining from such drugs. These results suggest that variables derived from existing delinquency theory are capable of explaining about fifty percent of the relationship between prior marijuana use and other illicit drug use. In terms of differential association, the results obtained from the two controlled groups lies differently. The presence of reinforcement agents (peers, drug-using community, etc) and negative events are also being examined if these factors can directly affect the said behavior. It has been noted that the individuals who have been using other drugs aside from marijuana have intense negative feelings towards family, difficulties and other personal areas of their lives. On the other hand, the other group also manifests negative feelings; however, the difference is the degree and coping towards these causations. In the end of their experiment, the criminal behavior that develops in a person is not brought by economical needs or the problems itself but with the environment present around the client. Strain Theory Strain theory is another proposed subject in this argument. The theory of Strain suggests that a key motivational factor in delinquency and misconduct is strain, which is some perceived or actual state of discomfort. The strain of pursuing goals within diverse opportunity structures may lead to adaptations such as crime, delinquency, and other deviant behavior (Hoffman 2003). One example in this statement shows when a teenager desires for money, since the things that money can buy–nice clothes, CDs, movies, and so on—and the lack of money causes inability to obtain such wants. This event now produces strain in the part of the teenager. This strain in turn leads to attempts to resolve the problem through theft (a direct attempt to resolve financial insolvency) or alcohol and drug use (an indirect attempt to deal with the shame of insolvency). Either way, the theory of strain works by the induction of psychological strain itself (Apel et. Al 2003).   Another definition provided by Dennis and Neff (2007) supports the claims of Apel (2003). General strain theory (GST) suggests that delinquency results from a youth’s emotional response to negative relationships with others. The negative relationships embody situations in which a youth fails to obtain a valued goal, loses something of value, or is presented with some type of noxious or aversive stimuli. Thus, a juvenile who is failing in school, or who loses contact with a parent due to abandonment or death, or who experiences some type of victimization can be said to be experiencing strain. The emotion of anger or frustration resulting from the experience of strain, rather than the strain itself, leads the youth to engage in law-violating behavior. The main point in this statement is the occurrence of strain is not directly the valued point of origin in the case of Stain theory. The reason behind is the power of a person to control or manipulate the situation is still present; however, if in case the person breaks down because of this strain experience, that is the time wherein a person manifests valiant and law-breaking actions (Siegel, 2004 p.71). Moreover, different types of delinquency or crime results from different forms of adaptation to anomie-induced strain. Property crimes, such as theft, represented innovative adaptations. Using alcohol and other drugs, on the other hand, could be thought of as a retreatist mode of adaptation; i.e., behavior that not only symbolically rejects the institutionalized means to achieve a positive goal, but also rejects the goal itself (Dennis & Joan, 2007). Strain comes from various origins depending on the case situation of an individual. Not every case of a person entitles him in a single strain response but rather, multi-evident causations. Using alcohol and drugs, for example, can be considered forms of â€Å"self-medication,† which may provide a sense of relief. Often than not, financially or resource depressed societies are more likely to be populated by â€Å"strained† individuals. In this case, these communities suffer from more blocked opportunity structures. Hence these communities tend to create an atmosphere conducive to anger and frustration, key antecedents to delinquent behavior. Such kind of community breeds crime, as according to the theory, and acts of wrongdoing. Differential Association Theory vs. Strain Theory Differential theory by definition stated above originates from the intrinsic characteristic of a person, influenced by the individual’s environment and molding assists. The criminal behavior is primarily because of influence of those individuals who are also linked in the same act of criminal acts. A person learns to commit crimes little by little until a person commits it without any hesitation. The psychosocial environment greatly suggests such conditioners as the primary causation of crimes. The raise of crime rates are because of the instilled negative thoughts, inappropriate guidance and lack of attachments, commitments or relationships. On the other hand, Strain theory talks about the causation of crimes not directly because of strain but due to failure in tolerating these kinds of stimuli. They are both result of negative impregnation of environmental pressures that in the end leads the client vulnerable to breakdown. The theory suggests that a person performs acts of delinquency not because of attachments or relationships but rather because of the pressuring strain. The crime rates, according to this theory, justify the increased criminal persona in places wherein financial depression or extreme difficulties are present. The last resort of the individuals is nothing but to commit crimes. In an example given, a person is ready to kill just to get the material possession that the person wants to acquire. We can determine some connections between the two since both of them are etiological conceptualizations of criminal behavior. In the case wherein, a depressed community is surrounding a person, significantly full of drug addicts and negative and influencers, a person still strives to obtain moral life. Let us say that this person has a good job as well as good family relationships. The strain in his job is greatly pressuring his everyday living. Fortunately, the person can still withstand such condition. However, because of the influence brought by the environment, such as the person’s peers, he begins declining his work productivity. Given a situation wherein his brothers are hospitalized and he just got fired from work, he badly needs money. In this case, the person breaks down and resort to theft. The situation calls forth occurrence of the two theories in simultaneous condition. The surrounding environment of the client influences the breeding of negative emotions, which cause the person to have fragile stand in his principles. The strain theory becomes evident when the strain of loosing a job and need for money enters in. In the end of the discussion, the person commits the crime based on influential factors as well as straining. Conclusion In conclusion, of this paper, the answer to the proposed questions in the introduction is properly addressed in the body of the research paper. The significance of such theory in criminology is the substantial or even estimated estimate analysis of the person’s criminal behavior origin. In such cases, the authorities require to learn such principles because this can help understand the motives, intentions and plans of the whole crime actions as well as the criminal itself. However, we should not be limited in these two theories alone since, human beings vary the same as their intentions and modes of focus. These theories are not applicable in other cases, therefore the best thing to do is to understand the whole concept of theory and at the same time train the assessment skills in order to avoid theoretical falsehood. References Apel, R., Brame, R., & Bushway , S. (2003, September 1). The effect of teenage employment on delinquency and problem behaviors. Social Forces Dennis, W. E., & Ness, J. L. (2007, March 1). Male Versus Female Substance Abuse Patterns Among Incarcerated Juvenile Offenders: Comparing Strain and Social Learning Variables. Justice Quarterly : JQ Hoffman, J. P. (2003, March 1). A contextual analysis of differential association, social control, and strain theories of delinquency. Social Forces, Holmes, R. M., Maahs, J. R., & Vito, G. F. (2007). Criminology: Theory, Research, And Policy. Jones and Bartlett Publisher. Siegel, L. J., & Senna, J. J. (2004). ntroduction to Criminal Justice. Thomson Wadsworth. Van Gundy, K., & Rebellon, C. J. (2006, July 1). CAN SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL DELINQUENCY THEORY EXPLAIN THE LINK BETWEEN MARIJUANA AND OTHER ILLICIT DRUG USE? A LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS OF THE GATEWAY HYPOTHESIS. Journal of Drug Issues

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Polar bear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Polar bear - Essay Example The polar bear have adaptive mechanisms that enable them to survive in circumpolar Arctic region. The environments in these regions are extremely cold and have both ice and water. These areas are also referred to us ice pack habitats. The species have thick fur which enables their survivability in such region. In addition, the polar bears are excellent in swimming. The female polar bears become sexually mature at the age of five years while the males obtain sexual maturity at around six years. During the mating seasons, normally between March and June, males and females congregate at the habitat suitable for seal hunting. There is usually stiff competition for the breading female. It is followed by multiple males that have to fight among themselves. The strongest on e chases others away and succeeds in mating the female. The polar bears feed on seals, especially the seal fat. They hunt ringed and bearded seals. The ringed seals are not as difficult to get as the bearded seals. They are easily accessible and can easily be hunted by young and female bears. In case of a good hunt the species extract blubber from the seals to leave the carcass for scavengers such as ravens and arctic foxes (WWF 10). There are series of unregulated shipping in the polar region. Such activities often result in oil spills that that the polar bears. The oil spills also deplete seals which are the foods of the polar bears. The climatic changes which trigger the increase in temperature, the precipitation and salinity are estimated to have drastic impacts on the physiological processes of the species. Both reproduction and survivability of polar bear will be significantly affected. In this instance, the rate of population of the polar bears will go down because the pregnancy rates will fall. Similarly, only few polar bears will be able to survive the season that high temperatures have melted the ice. The change in the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Women Involved in Social Reform in the 19th Century Essay - 1

Women Involved in Social Reform in the 19th Century - Essay Example However, this role is not enough, as they are also required to be career oriented and ambitious. The ‘Cult of True Womanhood’ that entitled women as deities of the household enabled women to regard their self-importance, as the whole theory attached with the concept of womanhood was self-destructive. There was a strategy to make women acknowledge their role associated with their families and homes only. However, according to the concept, women were regarded morally and virtually superior to men. The concept accommodated men as creatures prone to do wrong and entitled women as the guardians of the household who not only tried to safeguard men from flawed lives, but also kept graceful nature to bear the uncertainties of their husbands. This paper discusses American women’s involvement in social reform in the 19th century and women formed a good total of American population. The ‘cult of true womanhood’ encouraged women in the 19th century to become invo lved in social reform by standing with men in terms of running their households and they witnessed promotion of their gender ideologies through education. The ‘cult of true womanhood’ arrested women in their houses and assigned them the role of managing their households domestically only. â€Å"When depicted within households, women were romanticized as â€Å"Republican mothers† and cultivated companions† (Boydston, 1996). The women were required to tend to the needs of the men of their homes, their children and their families. In fulfilling their standardized roles defined as per the concept deprived of their right to work outside. However, due to economic pressure on the society, they continue to work outside for their household management. This approach of the women and their financial requirements brought men against them and they regarded working women as morally deprived and inferior to other women.   

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Symbolism In Trifles by susan glaspell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Symbolism In Trifles by susan glaspell - Essay Example Wright and the situation which led to the main conflict that is throughout the play. The first set of symbols which are associated with the trifles are the kitchen items which are seen, all which are referred to first as being in a mess. The set of noticed items include fruit that has frozen, preserves that Mrs. Wright was working on and pans that are under the sink. The main association is with the fruit that is frozen and with the preserves that haven’t been cared for. This is significant as it becomes a meaning which is related to the marriage and how it wasn’t cared for or preserved. This is what led to the cold and icy relationship that both were a part of. This is followed by the pans that are kicked under the sink leave the same impression, which shows that the cooking and care is one which is stuffed into a corner and hasn’t been used properly, similar to the marriage which Mrs. Wright is in. The next item which becomes symbolic is the loaf of bread. This isn’t significant except it hasn’t been placed in the bread box, which causes it to dry quickly and isn’t a way of caring for the items in the kitchen. The loaf of bread becomes symbolic with the marriage not being set in the right place and instead becoming one based on the wrong understanding within the relationship. While the men state that this is related to bad housekeeping, the women that are speaking notice that the uncommon changes in the kitchen are related specifically to Mrs. Wright not being able to create the right approach to the idea of being a wife and having a husband which is able to care for the marriage. The clothing is another symbol which is noted. This becomes significant because of the types of clothing that is expected. The first is an apron which Mrs. Wright has requested. The apron is significant because it shows how Mrs. Wright only believes the marriage was good so she could offer housekeeping chores, as opposed to having a true mar riage. The second is a shawl that is required. There is also a quilt which is mentioned and which the women notice that she is piecing together. The statement which is made with this is based on knotting the quilt, instead of sewing it. The knots are significant with the thoughts of Mrs. Wright, which doesn’t offer a proper way of putting together the quilt but instead shows that her marriage is tied together loosely. The significance of the individual items are also identified with the state that each of the pieces are in. The sewing left behind is noted as being good half way through the piece then changing. Mrs. Hale states that â€Å"Here, this is the one that she was working on, and look at the sewing! All the rest of it has been so nice and even. And look at this! It’s all over the place! Why, it looks as if she didn’t know what she was about!† (Glaspell, 962). There are also noticed changes with half of the counter being clean and the other half be ing a mess. The concept of the items being half way clean and the other half messy continues with a hinge that is half way pulled off of the door. Each of these indicate that the marriage was one which was also becoming a mess and was falling apart, similar to the items seen. The last trifle which works as a symbol is the bird. This is significant because of the cage which is found; however, the bird is gone. The women looking at the trifles note that Mrs. Wright used to like to sing but stopped. They also note

Monday, August 26, 2019

Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv - Essay Example The employees underwent intensive computer training for at least three days.Management was pleased with their efforts of what seemed like upgrading their division with technological advances. On the other hand, the sales representatives were disgruntled with the additional work of logging into technology and being less efficient due to their adjustment to the new tasks at hand. Glitches were also experienced with regards to the database, thereby losing prospective clients. They find themselves spending so much time learning to make their computers work, taking the time they need to do their real job which was sales. On top of that, they felt they were â€Å"ball-chained† to their supervisors who were able to reach them anytime through their computers and mobile phones, demanding reports more often than before. The sales reps were finding out for themselves that the introduction of technology in their jobs was more of a hassle than a help. Management-side stuck to their guns refusing to see systems failure. Instead, they attributed the data errors in the database as human failure to encode data correctly. This caused more conflict and division among the management and sales force. Meanwhile, the company was not doing very well in terms of service to customers and therefore, projected profits were low. The case study was concluded with management’s lack of commitment to involve the sales force. Grievances of the sales reps regarding heavy workload and increased control over their activities remained issues that management did not deal with. The prevailing organizational problems seen in the case study was a violation of a â€Å"psychological contract†, breakdown in communication in the introduction of technology in the sales work, ineffective transfer of knowledge of the benefits of technology use.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Self assessment paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self assessment paper - Essay Example This shows that I am a people - focused individual living in a world of people possibilities and do have excellent people skills. Analysis My BIG 5 Personality Test also shows that I am an extrovert who shows concern with other people’s needs. It shows that I am a person who sets clear goals and ultimately pursues them with zeal and determination. People often regard me as a hardworking and a reliable person. This works very well with me as a team leader. I am also exceptionally calm, unflappable and composed and I do not retort with extreme emotions, even to situations that a good number people would depict as stressful. I also like thinking in plain terms and not in complexities. People consider me as conservative, practical and down-to-earth. This is ideal for my team as I am able to mingle and work well with other members to achieve good results. Personal Needs Description After a thorough self-assessment on my personal needs, I have extensively done a lot of soul-searchin g of myself and I have done a comprehensive analysis of who I am and a better understanding of myself. Analysis I have good listening skills, which I rely on to ensure that workers are more productive. My good listening skills have enabled me to better understand my team of workers and to know their expectations of me as a team leader. It helps me to build a rapport with my team and my superiors. Since I work better in a team-based environment, my listening skills have enabled me to show support, resolve problems with my team, answer questions correctly and find underlying meaning in what others say. I have tips that enable me to listen well which include maintaining eye contact, being attentive, nodding my head, leaning towards the speaker, never interrupting the speaker, always replicating instructions and soliciting suitable questions when the speaker has closed his address. As a good listener, I know that being attentive to what the speaker does not say is as important as being attentive to what he does say. I also look for non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and posture to get the full glimpse of what the speaker is telling me. I know I am a good listener since I know how to minimize external distractions in order to concentrate fully on what I am being told. I respond fully to the person speaking to me and focus solely on the main topic under discussion with an open mind to draw sufficient information from what is being said. I never take offense or become defensive even where the speaker criticizes me. Instead, I do take criticism positively and totally engage myself as I seek clarification (K Singh, 2012). Motivation is the reason for my actions. Motivation is the feelings and thoughts that make us covet to do something, persist in wanting to do it and turn our wishes into action. A number of factors that motivate me include money, bonuses, future promotion, my job, good working relationships, job security and a favorable working environment. I also do get a lot of motivation when I see satisfied team working under happy customers and me. I thrive in meeting my given deadlines and surpassing my targets. An enabling environment is essential to achieve desired goals; given that environment, I can and do surpass almost any work related target placed before me (Singh, 2012). Team Preference Roles Description On the team preference roles, I am both a gatekeeper and a moderate encourager since I have a strong tendency of encouraging my team

How has Modern Technology improved Emergency Response Capabilities Assignment

How has Modern Technology improved Emergency Response Capabilities - Assignment Example The software development is focused to develop methods to generate high resolution fused data studies to create three-dimensional product view among other features for correct forecasting to generate accurate weather alerts, which is just one of the various features of the software development (NWS, 2012). Future is full of new possibilities in the fields of technology for emergency communication in the time of disasters. Technology advancements also offer new challenges to apply new innovations in the current Department of Homeland Security (DHS) programs. The ongoing communications programs need to be revised for assimilating future additions of modern technology. Cyber Security & Communications (CS&C) has always played a leading part in the overall security of the nation’s 18 important infrastructure divisions under Homeland Security President Directive-7 (HSPD-7). CS&C is behind all the government communications programs related to priority services such as GETS, which is a White House initiated emergency telecommunications service, offering communications support to all government and non-government missions (DHS News, 2012). Emergency management in the context of interstate collaboration can better help in making a quick response to catastrophic disasters. Such an agreement named the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is based on mutual help in collaboration with other states, facilitating states to take collective action against natural and human disasters, mostly before the availability of federal disaster assistance. Emergency management can be well understood by discussing EMACs call to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to attend to the critical requirement for evaluation of emergency management at the local level. A studious evaluation of news reports, government papers, and reports from related organizations needs to be conducted to reach at some conclusion on the extent and way of EMACs execution and its conduct at the time of response functions.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pallitive care week 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pallitive care week 7 - Essay Example The BSN nurses are more experienced and learned than the diploma-prepared nurses (Joishy, 1999). Physician-assisted suicide is offered to the patient by a medical health professional as a means of ending the patient’s life. Ethical issues raised include the quality of life, autonomy, and acting on the best interests of the patient. The patient has the right to refuse medical treatment even when the nurse or the physician believes that the treatment is for the best interest of the patient. In such a situation, withholding the treatment of the patient as requested is not assisting the patient to die but rather a show of free-will and dignity towards the patient. The main challenge is the definition of what the patient’s best interests are and the identification of who should be allowed to determine the best interests, and if they can be met by administering a certain treatment or withdrawing it (American Society of Registered Nurses, 2010). American Society of Registered Nurses. (2010). Dilemma for nurses: Physician-assisted suicide. Retrieved from